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As a Collab Hive Studio member, your membership includes the ability to post up to 5 pieces of your original art per month for perspective buyers. Please include all required fields on the form for submission.


*Terms & Conditions: Collab Hive is only providing a showcase for our member's work.  All transactions to purchase artwork including taxes, shipping and payment are handled mutually through the artist and a purchaser.  Collab Hive is not responsible for any issues or disputes within a transaction. It is suggested all work be insured on behalf of the artist prior to shipping. Any damaged artwork in the shipping process is responsibility of the artist. Any rights permissions must be contracted between the artist and the purchaser.  All artists are paid members of Collab Hive.  Monthly limit is 5 pieces for submission.  All work submitted for viewing is original work produced by the said artist.  Taxes and Shipping are in addition to the Cost of the work.  Both to be handled and negotiated by the artist and perspective buyer.  Invoice of the cost of the work, taxes and shipping are to be provided by the artist to the perspective buyer and agreed to before payment.  It is suggested artwork be paid in full before shipment. Paid receipt to be sent with final work by artist when shipped to the buyer.

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